Biography / Memoir

A Century in the Garden

Steve Kelley

978-1-947237-40-7 / $19.95 pb
In these pages Steve Kelley, the third generation at the helm of Kelley and Kelley Nursery, looks back at a hundred years of the family’s landscaping and gardening history, and also shares his thoughts on a variety of subjects, including  the pleasures of weeding, shopping for plants, compost, garden renovation, and working with garden light.
 The Way She Wants to Get There
Mary Moore Easter
978-1-947237-42-1 / $19.95 pb
The author traces her development as a dancer during of the decade of the 1970s, a pivotal era for Black/white relations and women’s rights, while also detailing her upbringing in Petersburg, Virginia, in the midst of a highly talented family of musicians and educators.

Born Under the Sign of Odin:
The Life & Times of Robert Bly’s   Little Magazine & Small Press

Mark Gustafson

ISBN: 978-1-947237-33-9 / 368 pages / $19.95

Long before Robert Bly became a cultural icon as a leading light of the Men’s Movement,  he was shaking up the world of poetry with a “little magazine,” published from his farm in western Minnesota, that celebrated the deep imagery of European and South American poets while playfully mocking the often tepid and academic work of his American colleagues. This is the story of that literary revolution, the effects of which are with us to this day.


Breaking Through the Line: Bobby Marshall, — The N.F.L.’s First African American Player
Terry McConnell
ISBN: 978-1-947237-32-2 / 230 pages / $19.95

In Breaking Through the Line Terry McConnell tells the story of Bobby Marshall, one of the most extraordinary athletes in the history of sports. He starred in football, baseball, and track at the University of Minnesota, and also excelled in hockey before the Gophers mounted a varsity team. Marshall’s successes at the U of MN weren’t limited to sports, however. He also earned a law degree, and in later life he exhibited many exemplary leadership qualities.

The Home Stretch

North of 80 – One Step at a Time

Dave Nimmer

ISBN: 978-1-947237-35-3 / 172 pages / $19.95

Journalist Dave Nimmer won a Minnesota Book Award back in 1992 for a personal narrative called The Journey Goes On. Thirty years later, decidedly older and slower, slightly battered and bruised, but hopefully also stronger and wiser, he’s back with The Home Stretch. In this collection of essays he explores the process of aging with humor and compassion, relating adventures with friends, attempts to master new crafts, parting with long-time fishing buddies, mentoring young writers, volunteering at a homeless shelter, hiking the Grand Canyon, and a variety of other adventures and “senior” moments.

A Lifetime of Luck and Pluck
Bette Hammel
978-1-947237-15-5 / $16.95

At the age of 92, Bette Hammel looks back at a life rich with humorous incidents and meaningful encounters, capturing the flavor of the post-war advertising world and the excitement of modern architectural design. She discusses how meeting and marrying architect Richard Hammel changed her life, and touches on the strokes of luck that helped her inveigle her way into Grace Kelly’s wedding with the Prince of Monaco in 1956. Of equal interest are Bette’s adventures in the Betty Crocker kitchens, her weekend producing a TV ad on the North Dakota prairies, the pleasures and challenges of raising her daughter, Susan, becoming a grandmother, and sailing with friends along the Dalmatian Coast.

Green Stamps to Hot Pants
Growing Up in the 50s and 60s

Genny Zak Kieley
$19.95 (pb) 192 pp
ISBN 978-1-932472-73-8
Intermixing social research and personal nostalgia, Genny Kieley creates a portrait of a simpler era, of ice-cream socials and twice-a-day newspaper delivery, sock hops and doo-wop music, first loves, first heartbreaks, and afternoon parties fueled by 45s. Cars had fins and television had just arrived.


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