
Lucia Morning in Sweden
Ewa Rydaker
8.5 x 11, 36 pages, $8.99

The book tells the story of Sankta Lucia through the eyes of three children in modern-day Sweden. It describes their giddy activities, brought to life in colorful, full-page illustrations, and also provides sheet music, recipes, and sewing patterns for the costumes traditionally worn by children on this day, when many Swedish people celebrate the legacy of Lucia and the coming of the light with coffee, saffron buns, ginger snaps, and wonderful singing.

Vroomaloom Zoom
John Coy
978-1-935666-17-2 / $7.99

With lots of fun words to say aloud and beautiful artwork to captivate the imagination, this is a perfect story for bedtime or any time.

A Perfect Tree for Christmas
Anne Gilespie Lewis
978-1-935666-55-4 / $7.99

Children will love this delightful story of life on a Christmas tree farm and the two irregular trees who finally find homes for the holiday
Two Old Potatoes and Me
John Coy
978-1-935666-46-2 / $7.99

Celebrated author John Coy tells the charming tale of how two old potatoes act as a bridge between a father and daughter. Carolyn Fisher’s high-energy art-work adds to the fun.

My Pixie Dixie
Niza Schear
978-1-935666-82-0 / $6.99

Themes of gratitude, friendship and the fear of loss are all woven into this story of a homeless man with a gift for making boats.

The Little One Behind the Badge
Jenny Swartout
978-1-935666-95-0 / $7.99

A young boy has been told that his father is a hero, that he protects others, keeps people safe, and is kind to everyone in town. But he learns more about the hazards police officers face on the night his dad's partner doesn't come home to his family.


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